Tuesday, April 14, 2020

April 13th

Last day of spring break...pretty sure I enjoyed spring break more than the kids. 

It snowed again today.

The Hubble space telescope is celebrating its 25th year in space on april 24th.  To celebrate NASA has released a website where you can put in your birthdate to see an image taken by the hubble telescope in your birthday.

Monday, April 13, 2020

April 12th

Happy Easter!

We woke to snow, 7 inches by days end.

Easter church service streamed live on facebook.

Egg bake for breakfast.

Easter baskets

Lunch from hometown

Egg hunt

Gathered together with family through zoom

Saturday, April 11, 2020

April 11th

Gas is 1.59 today.  I filled my van, from 1/2 a tank for 12.93.
Today we painted Easter cookies.
Did an egg hunt from Reyna's church school
Bought groceries.... kids stayed in the van while i shopped.
Today's  movie was Troll's World Tour.

Friday, April 10, 2020

April 10th

I clipped this branch from my lilac bush last Sunday.  Placed it in a jar of water. Every day I have paused to look at it amazed at how the leaves are unfolding.  Little bit of hope in our days that often feel uncertain.

Gas is 1.59 today. 
It's Good Friday.

Thursday, April 09, 2020

April 9th

It snowed today. Big fluffy flakes. April snow never generates excitement for me.  It shouldnt even be allowed.

Gas is 1.63.  And I can't even go anywhere and take advantage of those low, low prices.

We colored eggs today.  And frosted cookies.

We played a game with Beckie and Greg on zoom.  They purchased the game and had it sent to us from Amazon.  Its called Encore. It was very fun and also so great to connect with them in this time that keeps us apart.

Wednesday, April 08, 2020

April 8th

There is a lot of this happening these days.  One of the perks of shelter at home.  Kids are cooking so much more often. Older helping younger.

April 7th

The library is holding an online lego challenge. Each day they post a challenge encouraging kids to build and the post  their pictures. Today's challenge was to do a self portrait.
Even with social distancing, shelter at home and closures some places are going above and beyond to help keep kids connected.

Monday, April 06, 2020

Be the light....

At 9pm tonight, for 20 minutes and 20 seconds the lights at the football field, softball field, baseball field and tennis courts were turned on in our town.  Part of a movement throughout the state to acknowledge the athletes who spring season was finished before it began, to honor the Seniors who are experiencing the end of their school year in a way none could have imagined.  #BeTheLightMN