Saturday, January 23, 2010

some of the beauty

outside my windows several mornings this past week.
The frost on the trees almost makes winter beautiful...almost.
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Rosie and I drawn by Rosie.
"I didn't give you hair" she said
"why?" I wondered
"you said you didn't like your hair" she replied
well I guess that is one solution to a bad hair day
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Monday, January 18, 2010


was completely excited by the gift Beckie brought him home from Costa Rica.
the rocks from the volcano and a book about volcano's didn't leave his hands for much of that night.
He feel asleep that night reading his book.
He was quite amazed when he discovered a section on Mt. St. Helen's in the book, I was there he said in awe.
Love those moments when life connects with an experience.
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Sunday, January 10, 2010

merry christmas beckie...

home at last...
arrived back in minnesota at midnight..
she seems to be doing ok with the much colder temps.
so excited to see her, the kids were rather excited that she finally opened her christmas presents.
so good to have her home.
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8,9 and 10

walking along the path between our house and linda's

it warmed up today so they could actually venture back out to play in that white stuff

swinging in the swing...they thought it was pretty cool that it was buried in snow.
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4,5,6 and 7

an after view of that picture posted earlier...

this is her Ipod (ok it's not actually an Ipod it's a jeannie in a bottle necklace)
but she thinks it is, and she is happy, and she sings all the time.
inventive? yes she is

apparently all that snow required a new snowblower.
my checkbook is still this point neither I or the checkbook like snow.

her outfit for the day, put together by her.
not exactly sure just what piece I like the best, the knee high socks or the fingerless gloves...
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Thursday, January 07, 2010

photo 3

baby wearing isn't just for big people...
even my little ones have a sling for their babies.
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photo 2

the view out my window last night at 1o pm.
snow, but no wind.
yes that view is quite different today, and yes that would have made an awesome photo for today.
tomorrow perhaps?
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365 photos

a project I have wanted to do for a few years now, and have yet to begin.
it seems I remember well after the new year has started, and then just decide to do it next year.
this year was pretty much the same I thought of it yesterday, almost 1 week into this new year...
this year though I decided oh well I am simply going to try to do this...
the premise is simple take one photo a day for one year.
(ok you may need to remind me, frequently of how simple that is)
so here is photo 1
our Christmas tree which was still up on New Years Day (actually it's still up on day 7)
we are waiting for Beckie to return home to celebrate Christmas with her. ...thus the tree is still filling a corner with it's soft lights each
night and day.
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a 5 year old's

view thru a camera lens.
Beckie gave her a disposable camera for Christmas...
here is a sampling of the photos she took.
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this just terrifies me...

and no it isn't the orange snow gear (although that is frightening)
it's where that person wearing orange is of these times he isn't going to stay on that roof
and instead is going to pull a humpty dumpty, and we know how that went.
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new year's eve tradition

home made pizza...
this year a new twist individual pizza's for the kids
a big hit...thinking we will be doing that again.
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Saturday, January 02, 2010


The current temp... And that doesn't include the windchill. And why do i live here????
Sent from my BlackBerry Smartphone provided by Alltel

Friday, January 01, 2010


year end review...
discovered as I searched through my folders that I had alot of pictures of the outdoors..thus the reason for two collages....
January we received this quilt in the mail from Kelly, it has been used by all of us almost daily, love the reminder of our favorite story, love how warm it keeps us.
February brought a long awaited day in court, to finalize an adoption, what an exciting day!
March family and friends gathered to celebrate baptisms, so amazing to see older and younger kids share this very special moment.
April we gathered once again to celebrate the completion of our adoption journey with family and friends, so many walked with us, it was so wonderful to say thank you and share this moment with them.
May we welcomed the end of school, the girls had their dance recital, Rosie's first!
June Beckie and Cassandra ran in the railroad days run, we were there in the sticky hear to cheer them on!
July we took a family vacation, travelling thru 11 states, in 16 days, covering 4981 miles, whew!
August we attended our last Twins game in the Metrodome, my dad joined us, it was his first game ever in the dome!
September we celebrated three birthday's Kevin's Beckie's and Anthony's
October brought very cold weather and of course trick or treating.
November, thanksgiving photo opp, of course they complained, they always do.
December we missed Beckie who was enjoying far more pleasant weather than we snowed for days!
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