a tweet I read on
Saturday referring to snow cream struck me as worth exploring a bit more. I had never heard of snow cream and found myself curious as to what this might be. The tweet was from someone who lives in Nashville, and in case you were living under a rock the
Nashville area was hit with a snowstorm this weekend, a rather uncommon event for that area. This person tweeted that they were going to make snow cream. I have to admit after googling
snowcream I too found that it would be a rather fun activity to try. Dare I admit I hoped for some newly fallen snow so that we too cold try our hand at snow cream? I did wish for that, (I know after all that whining I have done about all the snow we have I did actually wish for more) Well today my wish was granted (don't shoot me, I
promise to not wish for any more snow this season, truly I won't) so I sent the kids out with a bowl and spoons requesting only newly fallen snow,and cautioned once and twice and then once more just to be sure that we only wanted white snow and nothing they had walked
thru. Once gathered we commenced with creating snow cream Snow cream for those like me who had never heard is like ice cream, only better. This said by several of my kids today. We mixed milk, sugar and vanilla stirred in snow and enjoyed. It does taste amazing, and I would vote for it over ice cream, of course
I'm not a huge ice cream fan. It didn't take long for that big bowl to disappear.
the recipe we used is:
1 cup milk
1/2 cup sugar
1 tsp vanilla
3 quarts fresh snow
(you know the white newly fallen stuff, no colored snow for this recipe)
and you can go
here for this recipe and for a few others it also includes some tips and suggestions