Tuesday was Josh's birthday. He had the day off from work so we cooked dinner on the grill
and celebrated with grandpa and grandma Betty. Normally we don't have multiple cakes for a birthday
but if you look closely the one on the leftt is the ugly cake before (it's ugly cuz' I had to pay extra to get the words on it and that is what we got, bother I could have done that) (and yes I think I may have complained a time or two or three about the cake) now the picture in the middle is that cake after I dropped it on the floor, not intentionally of course, if you look close you can see the now smashed writing and if you look really close you can most likely see all the darn dog hair. sigh. the picture on the right is the cake I went back to the dairy queen to purchase so the kid would have a darn cake for his birthday.