1 week
in a cabin
at the lake...
the middle of nowhere
no tv
no radio
no entertainment but the nature surrounding us
did I mention the middle of nowhere?
5 kids
under the age of 9
one of those a very mobile 1 year old
open stair cases
a creek that ran through the center of the property and let's not forget the lake
it is safe to say there was no childproofing going to contain that curiosity
The other four explored and swam, ate and explored some more,
one was determined to meet every living creature with in the boundaries of the property, it was only a bonus to her that mud and water were part of the deal.
Some fished every day (my dad, Kevin, Anthony and grace)
I did not fish, nor did I clean the fish or cook the fish
(it's that whole outdoors thing you understand)
others tried to not freak out by the amount of spiders and dirt, nature and bugs
(ummm yes that would be me)
I am not an outdoors type of person
the holiday inn is about as primitive as I go
I learned...
nature is noisy, especially at night
thunderstorms in a cabin made of windows is going to freak out the under 6 crowd a lot.
walmart can be a sanctuary, no really it can when faced with returning to the middle of nowhere
(yes I did just type that, no I never imagined those words would actually come out of my mouth)
cooking in someone else's kitchen is weird, really weird
laundromats are a whole different universe
farmer's markets are fun to explore
kids will find fun anywhere
green water will not hurt a person
(who knew)
one can survive a week in the outdoors
especially when they see the faces of their little ones discovering somrthinh new at each turn
spending time with loved ones is worth it, even if it has to happen t obe in the middle of nowhere,
in a cabin by a lake