Monday, August 26, 2013

she made a puppy

out of the dish soap if only she would wash those dishes so eagerly
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we've been working on ...

some back to school teacher gifts...yes school is but a week away
yes I find myself grinning for no apparent reason these days...
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back to school

my niece is going to school online this year.  today was her first day of school.
she came down to our house to "do" school on our computer.
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more water park memories...

he spent a lot of time on those slides in the background

yahiara going off the high diving board

the lily pad walk...enjoyed by all those older kids and their father too

waiting to go back into the pool..
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summer bucket list...


go to a water park....accomplished
(on the last day the water park was open for the season)
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water park fun

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Birthday party...

held at the german american institute in st. paul

even the flamingos were decked out in gold to celebrate this milestone

all beckie's family and friends who gathered to help her celebrate

28 golden years
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28 golden years...

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her gift...

28 items 28 of each item

she had suggested on rosie's golden birthday that she too should receive a gift just like rosie
(rosie's gift was 7 gifts of 7 items each)
I recall laughing and then thinking are you nuts??? 7 is simple compared to 28
and then I started to think about it and the challenge intrigued me and so with pen and paper in hand the list began...when I got stuck a text or phone call to someone usually helped me fill in a few more blanks off and on for the past year I have pulled out that list adding some things removing some others.  The night before her birthday party I remembered that list and thus began that rather rushed last minute quest to find all those items and get them bundled into a gift....mission accomplished
curious as to what those 28 items were...well here is the list:
1. dots candy
2.  lottery tickets
3. clorox wipes
4. posti it notes
5. mini toys
6. reeses peanut butter cups
7. pencils
8. tic tacs
9. paper clips
10. pom poms
11. buttons
12. band aids
13. cotton balls
14. pennies
15. Qtips
16. bobby pins
17. flamingo picks
18. hershey's chocolat nuggets
19. hair ties
20. one dollar bills
21. rocks
22. toilet paper
23. crayons
24. earasers
25. pebbles
26 bells
27. shot cups
28 kleenexes
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is everywhere
(photo found on kevins phone)
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it seems after months of not scrapping I do still remember how to do it
working on catching up these past few days
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she won!

a package came in the mail last thursday for her, inside a dvd she won when she
entered her name in a drawing at the steele county fair.  This kid defines luck.
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came to me with a cookbook the other day "mom can you make this?" she asked "and this and this"so I handed her some post it notes and said mark the recipe's you want to make this is what came back to me...oh my that is a lot of need to try recipes...the picture on top is the first we tried...spaghetti bake
"I just know it's going to be good" yahaira said as we were preparing it "the picture looks delicious"
she stated confidentaly.  and it was delicious I guess the picture was right.
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