Wednesday, January 29, 2014


Application is completed and filed more item checked off that list of things to do before our grand adventure this summer 

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Monday, January 27, 2014


After a few snow days and an earlier blizzard warning that had more sunshine than blowing snow  yesterday we got a dose of blizzard weather.  Complete with road closures and school cancelled  

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love that smile

love this girl!

winter dance recital

was on was blustery and cold and yet your enthusiasm and excitement couldn't be dimmed by the dreadful winter weather.. So fun to watch you grow and become confident in your abilities.

more dance pictures

 with beckie and cassandra
gracie and olivia


she reads

all the time, often to other kids, or her stuffed bear, sometimes to no one else.  Love watching her as she tells the story and holds the book up for others to see, just like her teach must do.   Love listening to the story she creates part from the pictures and part from memory.  Love that I have a child who enjoys reading as much as I do.

Rock Tumbler

Rosie got a rock tumbler for christmas...when we read the directions it appeared that it took over 28 days to tumble rocks...who knew?  above after almost a month of waiting are the finished rocks.  I have to admit I don't miss the sound of that machine running day after day. The next round is going to be done in the summer so the machine can hang out in the garage thus not disturbing my sleep.  She was so excited to turn a couple of her favorite rocks into jewelery.  A great lesson in patience for my rock loving girl.

ice cream

we seem to consume a lot of ice cream, even when the weather is freezing ice cream is the go to snack.  she was so excited by these miniature containers of ice cream complete with it's own little spoon.


                                               it seems my life is filled with notes, reminders to do this
or to pick up that....notes of all shapes and sizes stuck in places that will hopefully be seen.
notes that are also left for members of my family...a few of the notes left this past week.


its' moments like this that remind me why I love to scrapbook....

goof ball

Science fair project

your experiment was to grow mold on bread...something we seem to have better luck doing when we aren't actually trying to do it.  You worked hard setting up the experiment and documenting your data.  Now it's time to turn it in and you are super excited to complete this project. 

Monday, January 20, 2014


"I vacume" she said tonight 
Not going to say no to that 

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Saw this idea on pinterest and reyna said "we need to make these"  I laughed because naturally she woukd want to make them the girl loves marshmallows. And yet anothe nod towards doctor who. 
The picture on pinterest said they were adipose from an episode of doctor who 

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I look like curious george

She wanted to go outside to play  I told her she needed socks so she out mittens on.  When she looked at her feet she said "hey i look like curious george"

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Roller coaster...

an assignment he received before christmas break, one he conviently forgot about during said break. A text from the teacher on January 1st with a reminder that the project would be due in a few weeks and that plans needed to be approved soon.  That look I dread, the one that says "oh crap I forgot about that assignment"  He said he was going to work on it and turn in the plans the next day...another text today saying that the projects were due this week and yet again "that look"
 after several hours of trial and error he had a roller coaster with three hills at least a meter tall and no more than two meters long, and bonus the car will actually race through it.

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Sunday, January 12, 2014

Doctor Who

I was reading this picture book to the daycare kids the other day
Just a snowman...a little critter book.  When I reached this page
Reyna exclaimed "hey! there's doctor who" 
and sure enough in the window of the oven is a picture of the Tardis.
guessing we have been watchin a little much of doctor who around these parts
Beckie is quite proud of her 4 year old sister who can spot a doctor who reference so quickly.
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at the basketball game friday night
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and she sleeps

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january 11 basketball tournament

in fairmont...

not successfull in the win department, your team lost both did make two baskets at the end of the a game, a first for you
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