Friday, March 28, 2014


Good bye to another day...

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Tuesday, March 25, 2014

a delivery today...

 had many  members of this house excited for many different reasons.  I was quite excited to once again have a gas stove. I have missed cooking with gas rather than electric.
 the kids were excited by the water and ice dispenser in the door... they couldn't wait for it to be hooked up so they could try it out.

 so many features and space that it is going to take awhile to figure this out. 
pretty happy that everything fit and works. 

Parent Aware

 a year ago I began the process for a parent aware star rating for daycare.  A new program that was introduced in my county, one of the first counties it was offered  in throughout the state.  I was assigned a coach who would be going through the journey with me as I prepared my documentation and took classes when I attended the first meeting a year ago my goal was a 1 or 2 star rating (out of 4)  that seemed overwhelming to say the least.  Calie, my coach has visited this past year and offered suggestions, and tips.  She has shared knowledge and laughter.  Her patience and calm, you can do this responses have been amazing. with the deadline approaching to submit the packet of documents I have at times felt the crunch of this is never going to happen, especially when calie said you can go for 3 or 4 stars, hello more paperwork.  this past week and a half I have spent photocopying papers and filling out one more form. 
 there are about 350 pages of proof that I might know a little something about daycare...I referred to it as the forest I killed.

today it went into the mail in order to make the march 31st deadline.  Now I wait until July to find out if I have a 3 or 4 star rating.  The competitive side of me kinda hopes it's a 4.  But if I get a 3 that means I can meet with calie for another year, and that actually would be a pretty awesome thing! 
rosie's cereal bowl this morning....she said it was sad because she was done eating

more st patrick's day fun

 treats for teachers...
 the leprechaun trap builders....hopeful they would capture a leprechaun

It seems

That the housekeeper in this house should be fired.  Quite the mess discovered underneath the refrigerator last night 

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Friday, March 14, 2014


Finally able to venture outdoors  for a walk. Soon I won't be needing the crutch...felt wonderful to be outside in the sunshine and fresh air walking without pain 

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Found these crayon rolls on etsy and knew they would be perfect for thank you's for Reyna birthday party. I messaged the shop owner and asked if she could do them with a flamingo theme she messaged me back with a yes!  Providing she could find material. A few days later I received a message say I ng she had found material and they would be going in the mail the next day. 

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The girls love coloring and lately have enjoyed using crayons in shapes  purchased these from an etsy shop  thinking they will find their way into some easter baskets and birthday presents 

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A box arrived today

And inside were some more fun toys from HeyAdeline an Etsy shop we have ordered from in the past. The kids are fascinated by these tubes and have clocked countless hours of playing with the first few we ordered. 
I also ordered some abc memory disc's and a pirate memory game. 

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Thursday, March 13, 2014


A day with sunshine and warm temps ....a day we can be outdoors  we have been waiting a long time for a day like this 

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Thursday, March 06, 2014

Happy mail day

Kelly sent me a care package and it's arrival today was an awesome surprise tucked inside were all sorts of goodies. Glass cases and quilted book covers and a teddy bear complete with its own medical bag. A big hit with the kids! So blessed to have such generous and thoughtful  people in my life.

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Wednesday, March 05, 2014

A bright

Spot in this rather long day ...A visit with an awesome friend who came bearing beautiful gifts. Flowers that hint at spring ....what a cheerful splash of color when all the world is white outside my window. Jelly beans and gummy bunnies Reyna says they are awesome  I agree.   What an unexpected day brightener thanks Shirley for making our day 

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just doesn't want to go away....

hanging out at aunt linette's

this one got to spend a few days at aunt linette's hanging out with gracie...she loved every minute of it.


my sister made this, loved it!

end of february

the last week of february was a bit crazy in our home.  I was in the hospital having surgery and the kids were being watched by many brave souls.  Changes in our routine send a few of those kids spinning into a crazy place so those stepping in to watch had their work cut out for them.  I left a little treat for them for the half way point of my hospital stay (thankfully it was only 3 days)  missed those little faces a whole lot.

Saturday, March 01, 2014


Dairy Queen visit of the 2014 season. 
Despite the need for all those layers of winter gear those are two extremely excited little people 

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Dairy Queen

Is open for the season!!!!

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