Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Basketball tournament

Rosie had a tournament on sunday. Her team took 3rd place.  In the last game she jammed her finger which disappointed her since she wasn't able to play the remainder of the game. 

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Star Wars

At my home town theater.  I love how marquee looks at night...and this movie, hands down one of the best Star Wars movies I didn't want to leave when it was over.  I didn't want the story to be done 

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Ice Castles

Pedro went with Beckie and her roommates to the ice castle exhibit in eden prairie over the weekend....it looks like it was a pretty magical place to visit 

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I love books!  Bookroo is a monthly book club for kids.....I'm not sure who is more excited when the package arrives on the mail each month.  

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Soup and puzzles

The below zero temps last week turned us I to home bodies....soup was on the dinner menu almost every night and puzzles and netflix were our evening activities...

Monday, January 18, 2016


Another basketball tournament on saturday...on the road by 630 and the temps were bitterly cold 

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Game night

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Another Saturday basketball tournament

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Birthday party

Pizza and a movie 

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Building a snow fort

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It's puzzle season here


Sometimes it's beautiful. ..usually it's ugly

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Jan 2 brought an early morning basketball tournament for both girls 

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Cassandra's apartment

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