every spring I am reminded of the joy of bubbles, you know the little bottles with the wand inside which lets you blow millions of bubbles, which float on the breeze and leave little rings on the car and many other surfaces. We had the bubbles out this morning and it was so amazing watching the kids create their bubbles...Each approaches this task in a different way, the older, more wiser (4 year olds) know y oh can't blow too hard or you get no bubbles, the younger ones stick the whole wand in their mouth in their quest to blow bubbles, of course they still mange to create bubbles, but perhaps not in the traditional manner... I love watching the excitement as their bubbles float on the breeze, to hear their laughter as one "pops" on them. The games they make up, who can blow the biggest, the most,who's will float the furthest before it breaks... My heart melts as an older one takes the time to show a smaller one how to blow the best bubbles....I love being surrounded by bubbles as these little wind machines create bubbles to rival a bubble machine. The sound of the babies giggles as bubbles float within her reach, and of course the out of control laughter as the dog tries to catch the bubbles, leaping thru the air and growling at the bubbles... Bubbles what a great way to while away a warm spring morning.