Tuesday, April 25, 2006

I think

My motto is going to be where does time go....Good grief I had great intentions of posting, but somehow the weekend slipped away and now here it is Tuesday.
Yesterday I turned 42, there was a time that number would have freaked me out, there was a time I believed anyone over 30 was ancient....Of course I thought I knew everything and was completely right all the time, I was in my teens and truly believed I owned the world. Ok, so I no longer want to own the world, pretty content with my piece of it, I realize I don't know everything, but I'm still completely right all of the time :) Sometime people will ask wouldn't you rather be a different age, sometimes I think ummmm would I want to be younger again? Definitely no to teenage years, once is truly enough, 20's ? Well on my 24 birthday I had two little ones under the age of two and I was pregnant with a third so my 20's were a blur of exhaustion and babies, and I don't see much difference in 30's and 40's life is still busy, balancing family work, and life is still a challenge so I can say now, that no, I like the age I'm at, I've worked hard to get to this point in my life, and I'm comfortable being 40 something.... There's a balance and a calmness in my life now. 42 is a good fit, I won't mind wearing it for the next year. And really isn't age all about attitude? You truly are only as old as you feel. There was a time I would have laughed at that comment, now I appreciate the value of it. Enjoy your day,

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