Monday, September 11, 2006

September 11

Amazing how a date can be forever etched into your memory. Growing up I often wondered at how my mom could remember exactly where she was when John F Kennedy was killed. I thought it rather weird that she could in detail tell you about that day.... I had yet to experience an event that affected the nation,and myself in such a big way, most of my big days to remember had been completely personal, and quite selfish in nature. Until 9-11, as I watched the day and events unfold, on CNN, I knew it was big, how could I not? we were under attack and thanks to modern technology I was watching it as it happened...later I realized just how significant this was, with much clarity I now understood the ability to remember amazing details about what should have been an ordinary day, this was my JFK, or Pearl Harbor, if you will. As each hour passed and the events unfolded I became connected in a way like no other to millions of other people by the simple fact that this happened here on our soil, we were no longer safe. I remember moments from that day, and I remeber the feelings I experienced, I remember being glued to the TV, and going outside later in the day and looking at the sky that was empty of planes, I remember being thankful my kids were near, and I remember talking to my sister constantly during the day, often just silence on the phone as we both watched events unfolding on tv, and knowing this would change our country in ways still unknown. It's hard to believe it has been 5 years already. Have we changed? of course. But I don't live in fear of another attack, and yet I am more aware of how vulnerable we are.

and on a lighter note, some of our weekend activites....Anthony's birthday party with friends, here he is with the pinata...way fun! and another pic from saturday another birthday party this time for Eve, anthony is participating in the pie eating contest, absolutely hilarous...he had a blast.

hope your weekend was fun and relaxing. until next time, Deb

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