Tuesday, February 13, 2007

28 days

A photo a day for the entire month of February. This is the idea behind a class I am taking this month. Each morning in my inbox is an email waiting. Inside the email is the "assignment" for the day, it simply tells me what to take a picture of that day.
As you can see by the pictures it has been a mix of locations. A mixture of places inside and outside my home. Most I have been excited about, realizing I had yet to capture places and things that are such an intricate part of my day to day life.. a couple made me pause, the one of the refrigerator, well I wondered how photo ready the inside would be, that email did come with a caution, no cleaning allowed before the picture, so what you see is what I see every day. One email has me a bit stumped, the assignment "a picture of a place you would like to go but haven't visited yet" with an added condition it needs to be local. Sigh, I realized on Saturday as I drove down main street that there isn't a single store I haven't been in, not a one. Stretching it a bit to non retail locations didn't prove any more successful. So for now that picture remains untaken...still hoping to discover some location in my town that I haven't visited.
The three pictures shown are 1. something I use every day. 2. my refrigerator 3. my mailbox
Truly having fun with this class, and the album that will come together at the end. What a great peek into the day to day things that are such a part of my life. I am enjoying the picture a day routine..thinking I may continue with this in other areas of my world...(like I need to take more pics )

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