Saturday, July 14, 2007

Little House on the Prairie

Yesterday I did something I have been wanting to do for years (30 years to be exact) I finally attended the Fragments of a Dream pageant in Walnut Grove, Minnesota. I fell in love with the Little House on the Prairie books and when the TV show began to air it was quite simply one of my favorites. When I discovered that Walnut Grove was a real town, located less than an hour away from where I lived I knew it was a place I wanted to visit. I did eventually get there in the early 80's and even tho I was no longer that kid who had fallen in love with the stories I was as excited as that kid could have been to finally see the place some of those stories were based on. Standing on the shores of Plum Creek and wading thru the water was a dream come true. I did go back a few years later when Beckie was 1, she of course was quite unimpressed. Neither time did I attend the performance of Fragments of a Dream. I always intended to return when the kids were older, that never happened. Earlier this week I saw a poster advertising the pageant and decided this time I was simply going to make the time to go. Anthony and Alonso along with Linda and her family joined me last night, we explored the museum and a few stores and then headed to the site where the performance was held. The boys were super excited that we were going to sit outdoors. It was a wonderful performance, truly worth the tiredness I feel this morning. 2007 marked the 30th year of this show being performed, amazing! It has inspired me to want to begin reading those stories I loved as a kid, once again. I can't wait to share them with the little ones in my home.
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