Saturday, August 18, 2007

It's official...

This morning Cassandra headed to college.
I have been muttering for weeks that it was "time" Time for her to go, (she developed a few annoying traits this summer and at times it seemed she was determined to make me crazy.) So many had cautioned me that the hardest is the last one to leave, and yet all kidding aside, I was really ok with this. (I wonder if it is due in part to her simply not being so terrible far away.)
She loves the school, it was her first choice.
She was excited to go. Well there were a few tears last night as she said good bye to friends.
She is ready.
Check in began at 10am this morning, she started to pack (not the van, her stuff) at 7am. Sigh, this child would never do something ahead of time ever! (it's that driving her mom crazy thing) van was loaded at 8:58 just in time for our 9am departure. So far so good (yeah there might be a bit of sarcasm there.

did I mention it was was.
at times quite hard, pouring one could say. Still raining/pouring when we arrived, only to discover the person in charge of
checking in wasn't there yet. So we waited (that waiting thing is going to become a bit of habit throughout the day) Once she could check in it was discovered that there was no room key for her. refer to waiting reference above. Eventually we were directed to the location of her key and then waited some more. After a bit ( a long bit actually) we found the person with the key and proceeded to start unpacking the van. Once everything was in her room, my sister commented that it certainly was roomy, the room held a bit of an echo. I would imagine that once all her roommates arrive it will lose that echo. After unpacking we headed to Target for those last minute/forgotten items, and then a stop at Scheels to pick up her soccer gear and then back to campus. Cassandra was quite relieved to discover that one of her roommates had also arrived, easing that whole spending the night in a new place alone dilemma. When I talked to her later she sounded excited and was talking non stop, (for those who know Cassandra you know how chatty she is) I took that as a great sign.
I know she is going to do well, I'm proud of who she is and what she has overcome and accomplished. I'm rather excited to see what next she does...she is ready.

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