Wednesday, October 24, 2007


my organized, storage method for canned goods is not acceptable to Rosie. This is how it looked after she worked her magic on it this afternoon. Did I mention organized, emphasis on organized! Sigh, it would appear that organized is not in Rosie's vocabulary.and while I was cleaning the above mentioned magic this is where the little wonder traveled to next. Notice it is a sink, full of water. also if you look close you will notice there is no drain stop in that sink (I removed that months ago since said little darling would close it and proceed to flood the bathroom, why? she's two there is no reason why.) So how is the water staying in the sink? magic? No, it would simply be the force that is a two year olds mind, and the fact that she shoved paper towels down the drain to keep the water in the sink. It took me 10 minutes with a tweezers and kitchen tongs to remove all those towels. (I'm going to say I got them all, sometimes being ignorant is a good thing, and I really don't want to think about the fact that there are most likely more between the floor and the basement just waiting to blow up my pipes. Like I said sometimes it's just easier to be clueless) Notice the dripping hair.....I guess she needed to wash her hair at 3pm in the afternoon. Since that is what she informed me when I entered the bathroom "Me wash my hair"
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think this is hilarious!! i told all my friends!