Sunday, November 04, 2007

Christmas card pictures...

all three older kids were home this weekend so it seemed wise to capture the Christmas card photo. I am resigned to the fact that this will never be an easy undertaking. Honestly I don't know what it is about this photo shoot that brings out the brats in my kids. After several melt downs, including mine....I think I may have stomped off, and used a few choice words when talking to my sister. Seriously it is the worse pictures to take. Naturally it was nap time, why would we make it easy, then there were issues with location, apparently mushy apples are not something to sit in, sigh. Naturally eyes were closed, and someone was almost always looking the other way. There were tears, many tears, Rosie simply had had enough...I think I shed a few. This year there were gawkers...people driving by and sharing comments with us...look at the number in that picture guess I would stare too. It is done...I think I found a picture, I took over 60. I guess finding a usable one is a miracle in and of itself. We are done, until next year. That makes me very very happy! (the bottom photo is the best, I think Rosie pretty much says it all)

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