I must confess they have eaten soup 3 of the last 4 days.
I know I won't win any great mom awards, well maybe from them.
They love soup, currently Campbell's chicken noodle soup, the goldfish version.
So last night as Rosie brought me the can of soup and said in an excited voice "Soup!" I did the mom thing and opened the can and stuck it in the microwave (don't start, my life thrives on simple) While the soup was cooking Rosie did her little happy dance soon joined by Yahaira who heard the beeping of the microwave and came running. Seeing the soup can on the counter she started singing "soup, soup, soup, we are going to eat soup!) As I professionally served up their soup, I was met with "thank you mom" and big grins. So most certainly I lose points in the variety department...but hey seeing them this excited about a simple can of soup just makes me smile. Quite honestly I would feed them soup every day just to see the simple joy that can come from two excited little girls eating soup.