Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Deceptively Delicious

This was our Saturday afternoon project. The cookbook above was my sisters, notice I said "was" I borrowed it from her and pretty much never returned it...she eventually purchased another one. Thanks, Linette :) Jessica Seinfeld is the writer and the thing that made this cookbook stand out from others was simply the idea behind it. That idea would be to simply get your kids to eat healthy foods without the whining and complaining that usually occurs. How to accomplish this goal, why by being deceptive of course. Love that concept. She takes standard kid food and adds in veggies, since you puree the food they really have no idea what is added in. Thus the deception. In the picture are ready to go servings of squash, carrots, sweet potatoes, and cauliflower. Sunday Linette made the banana bread recipe which required a stir in of cauliflower, I was quite cautious in my first taste, I am after all worse than my little people when it comes to consuming those healthy veggies. It was excellent, imagine that! Next on the menu, bbq's, scrambled eggs, and chicken nuggets...and yes all have veggies added in.

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CashQuest said...

Ok. what a great way to use a ziploc bag. Your cooking must be good. Where do you pick up all the cooking tips ?

Mom to 8 wonders said...

I find most online. For me keeping magazines, or cookbooks often meant that I searched for far too long to find that one recipe I wanted to try. Now I just type in a search and find what I'm looking for in a matter of moments. Wish life gave me hours to pursue cookbooks and magazines to find the right recipe. The reality is there are just too many little people needing my attention.