my kids pick up every rock and stick they find, no matter where we go, a rock or two or three makes it into their hands and into our home. Often I had no idea what to do with this massive collection, often parts and pieces would make it's way back outdoors when the wee wonders were not looking. Then one day while reading the most incredible book (I know I say that about almost every book I read) I read a suggestion on how to bring the outdoors indoors. Well how novel I thought, what a concept, and then that light bulb moment occurred and I realized we had been doing that very thing, imagine that. The author suggested setting up a small table somewhere in your home, a place where your child could place the treasures he or she found, (treasures? who knew?) and then could play with them whenever they wished. What an idea....right? Thus our nature table was born.....
The Creative Family by: Amanda Blake Soule her blog is: http://www.amandasoule.com/
Our version of a nature table, it's portable to assure that several little fingers can play at the same time.
and when not in use it does actually hang out on a table.
and for a bit of an eye spy game...can you find all the teeny tiny fairies that are currently hanging out in our nature area.
how about a dragon tear or two...a seahorse, pinecones, and acorns and let's not forget those rocks.
how about a dragon tear or two...a seahorse, pinecones, and acorns and let's not forget those rocks.
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