Sunday, November 09, 2008


I had purchased tickets to this for the girls for their birthdays back in June. Yesterday was the day, we headed out with snow and wind and the hope that the roads would improve. We took the light rail to the theater district, (driving in downtown Minneapolis is something I can do, but I love the option of riding the train.) We ate at Applebees and then walked to the Orpheum. Found our seats way up in the upper, upper balcony. I wasn't too sure about this play. Cassandra had been the one who had been excited about it's arrival in the metro area. So glad she insisted, it was unbelievable! Loved the story, loved the music, the voices were amazing. Three hours passed in a blink. I love how the story wove itself into the wizard of oz story. What a great time, perhaps this will become a yearly outing?
Loved spending time with my older girls, something that doesn't happen often enough.
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