Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Pow Wow Parade

Monday night we traveled to a nearby city to take in their annual pow wow days parade.
I have been attending this since I was a little one. My grandma lived there and so it became a summer activity in our lives.
The kids were pretty excited about the parade and of course the candy. We joined my cousin and aunt, along with Linda and Larry and this year even my dad made the trip. Quite the group we had viewing the parade. Rosie called it the PowPow parade, I think I got her to say it just because it made me laugh. No trip is complete without a visit to the powwow pup food stand (corndogs for those of you in the dark) the best corndogs anywhere. Another visit to the egg roll stand and to complete our dining experience cheese curds. Yes your stomach should be hurting that has to be the weirdest combination of food and yet it was quite the hit.
So glad the rain held off, so the parade could be held. So fun to take in the first parade of the season.
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