Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Birthday party

we celebrated Rosie's 4th birthday on Sunday. Her birthday isn't until July 7th
but with family travels and our busy schedule Sunday was the only day we had open.
She didn't mind a bit, this kid loves being the center of attention. Yes that is a spiderman cake
one of her daycare buddies is a huge spiderman fan...Rosie adores this little guy so she too loves spiderman,
until the little guy informed her she was a girl and couldn't be spiderman, but! she could be spidergirl. So now Rosie loves
spiderman girl. When I asked her what she wanted her birthday theme to be, her reply was instant. Spiderman girl of course.
I found a spider girl figure, yes there is such a thing. Who knew? for the cake. And the little wonder was completely excited.
The DQ gift card was a big hit as was the mermaid playset for the bathtub. That night I followed a trail of clothes to the bathroom where I found her waiting patiently for me to run the water so she could take a bath, (she passed up seeing the movie in order to take a bath) 45 minutes later I peeled her out of the freezing cold water with a promise of another bath the next night.
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