who knew?
that the addition of that one small night light to our nighttime routines would prove to be a huge success.
Last night after stumbling across this night light in the junk drawer (you know the drawer where everything that doesn't have a home ends up, the drawer I am often frightened to dig through never knowing just what might be lurking in there) I showed it to Yahaira and she immediately took it upstairs to her room, where we discovered no exposed outlets. sigh. So at 8:20 last night (yes we were late going to bed) I was rearranging their room, why? It's how I work, why wait when you can take care of it right now? (it has drove many people crazy in my life) Fortunately tiny beds move quickly and easily and soon they were settled into their beds. (yes they as in two, as in both Rosie and Yahaira) I was a bit skeptical that this was going to work after all nothing to date has been truly successful. They may start out in their bed but usually one (Rosie) if not two makes their way down to my bed at some point in the night. Bother who am I kidding Rosie rarely even begins in her bed, she just opts to start out in my room less work for her that way. So with one last good night I headed downstairs, wondering how long before Rosie joined me. By the time I headed to bed a few hours later still no little person shadowing me...when I awoke this morning I realized that 1. I wasn't hovering on the edge of the bed I usually occupy and that 2. I had slept an entire night uninterrupted. (pretty sure I heard a chorus of angels singing) Who knew? certainly not I. Will it last? guess time will tell, but hey even if it gives me a night here and there that's a good thing in my book. Now I find I'm wondering why didn't I think of that sooner?