Monday, September 07, 2009

sick days

our house Saturday night early Sunday...
Rosie started the fun at 10pm, by 11pm Yahaira had joined in. Where they proceeded to be sick every hour on the hour until 2am.
Rosie continued until 4:30 am. by 3am I had completed 4 loads of laundry, made a trip to the 24 hour convenience store to buy Sprite and used enough bleach, Lysol, and hand sanitizer to remove the first layer of skin off my hands.
Anthony decided to not be left out and started the next round at 7am, his was a calmer bug and by 10am he was feeling a whole lot better. They all napped (good indicator that they were sick, they never nap) and were asleep for the night rather early. My house continues to smell like Lysol and bleach...
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1 comment:

Heidi said...

PSST.....Don't know why I read this again, but try Coke next time. Really settles the tummy quickly. Room temp is best! Learned that with Christopher the time he was really sick. Something with the acid counters the bug in the tummy! :~)