Thursday, July 29, 2010

On the banks of plum creek

Saturday we traveled to Walnut Grove to visit one of the childhood homes of Laura Ingalls Wilder.
We toured the museum, took in the activities at the park, the girls thought it was pretty cool to make corn husk dolls, visited Oelson's mercantile and a Nellie's Cafe. Allison Ingram the actress who played Nellie in the TV show Little House on the Prairie was there for the weekend and we were able to hear her speak a couple of times throughout the day. We ended our day with the Fragment's of a Dream pageant. A wonderful play that depicts the life of Laura and her family in Walnut Grove. The play begins at dusk (9pm) and was finished a little after 11. We made made it to our door a little after 1. It was a long but memory filled day.
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