Wednesday, October 20, 2010


is slipping away, soon to be replaced by that season that seems so endless.
a few glimpses of this fleeting season around my yard...the lawn mowed this last weekend, one last time, now strewn with leaves.
The garden still green with those hardy cool weather plants, it still looks like summer, except for those last few tomatoes rotting on the ground. Potatoes are waiting to be cleaned and stored for those long winter months. Those inevitable leaves that seem to like the inside of my garage to pile and gather, the sun shining with less warmth than even a month ago..and those maple leaves that always, always make me smile.
I sat outside today, on the front step looking through the mail and soaking up the sun. The wind blew leaves around my feet and chased them down the street, shadows and shady spots fill areas that just a few weeks ago would have been drenched in sunshine and warmth...the yard is cleaned up, toys put away, flower pots emptied and tucked away, preparing for the next season that will soon be upon us. Spring seems forever away, summer even more distant. I love fall, the colors, cooler evenings, the sites and smells, if only it didn't have to be followed by that dreaded season called winter.
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