Thursday, February 10, 2011

last minute...

valentine box...realized Monday night that Anthony needed something for his Valentine's at school.
Went searching for a box or bucket or milk jug...then remembered it was recycling day and all those items
would have gone to the curb with the rest of the recycling...sigh.
on to plan actually I didn't have a plan B
but! I do own a Cricut...
thus the creating began he decided a dragon and knight would work just fine, he dug through the scrap folder and found just the right colors for each piece, after showing him once how to program the machine to cut he proceeded to cut each piece with a push of this button and that button and of course the all important "cut" button. We glued and arranged until he decided it worked. Soon enough we had a place for his valentine's, perhaps not traditional but workable. It made it to school Tuesday, on time.
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