Thursday, March 03, 2011


waiting to go into surgery
ready to go with her kitty, and blanket

playing on the IPad as she waits
once it was time to go, she wasn't so sure...she wanted us to go back with her
left her in tears.

out of surgery and recover and back to her room
still quite groggy, her kitty now sports the patches for the monitors that the nurse had placed on Rosie before surgery

eating ice cream and drinking apple juice
ready to go home.
The surgery to put the tubes in her ears took less than 10 minutes, the drama before she entered the surgery suite took more than 10 minutes...she was in recovery for 10 minutes when they called for us to join her, the nurse said she just popped her eyes open and said where is my mom? It seems that most of our time was spent waiting...waiting for her to go to surgery and then waiting after for the affects of the anestia to wear off
Home now with her Justin Bieber doll, a surprise waiting for her when we left the hospital...she did awesome!
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