Monday, April 04, 2011


and so it starts the beginning of the removal process this is the dining room and the carpet is up and the subfloor is coming up, there is still carpet in the living room and see that lovely white stuff...that was a major messy, pain to remove I think my arms continued to mop in my sleep but in the previous post you can see that we did indeed remove it and uncovered some beautiful floors just waiting to be refinished.
 the original flooring in the kitchen...yes we did actually buy the house with that in place
I had a bit of a reminisce when we uncovered it and then quickly remembered why we covered it in the first place
 and here is where old, (very very old) meets old and new
the kitchen proved most interesting  with the discovery of three layers of linoleum and of course each layer has it's own subfloor.  Apparently it is vital to use massive amounts of staples or nails or screws to secure each layer since the floor was not going anywhere.  I think if a tornado had struck our home that floor would have remained intact.  The wood underneath needs some patching and piecing but all in all it is in good shape.  
Now that this part of the project is complete we wait for the next...more pictures to come as that develops.

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