a sure sign that school is about to begin is that early entrance conference...
and an even surer sign that summer is drawing to a close
He will be in 4th grade. 4th grade.
seriously how did that happen
ok I know how it happened, days turn into weeks which turn in months, and then years
but really 4th grade is only 8 years away from a senior and that just passes in a blink.
I know that, lived that in fact. it seems you are changing their diapers and then you are writing out a check
to pay for college books
but I digress, he approached this conference just like every other, not showing too much enthusiasm
just a rather reluctant acceptance. He found his desk, emptied that overflowing backpack, listened to his teacher explain their
schedule and expectations, and then his face was priceless when his teacher uttered those oh so dreaded words Homework.
yes he had homework for tonight, to be returned tomorrow.
I fear I am not looking forward to that particular aspect of back to school.
Beckie had Mr Reinhart when she was in 4th grade, and since it seems to bother Beckie when I calculate
just how many years ago something was (she says it makes her feel old, huh. We need to discuss old this child and I)
I won't tell you how long ago it was, but one could use decade in that equation along with a handful of years :)
Looking forward to a great 4th grade for this child of mine....
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