Saturday, January 28, 2012

pocket album

a kit discovered in a pile of paper and cardstock stored in my closet. A pile that a year ago was a bit big (ok really big if you figure that it was as tall as Rosie) a day of cleaning last winter unearthed a lot of paper, cardstock and kits and the overwhelming fact that I am addicted to paper. Not necessarily using paper but most definiately collecting paper. That fateful cleaning day I sorted and organized all that paper keeping and giving away. It then became my goal to use that paper, since ummmm that would be the point. Well the pile has steadily gone down over the past year, as I used and yet again gave away (really what was I thinking on some of those patterened papers) until now one pack of cardstock remains in my closet the rest is now stored in my scrap space. Mixed in all that original paper were several kits, and these past few weeks have found me assembling many of these kits. the pictures above is of one pocket album kit purchased at some point in the past (I truly don't even remember when) I am sure at the time I had grand plans for it. But as seems to be tastes change and so do grand plans. I put this album together with the intent to donate it to the School auction held each March.
It used a very fun, bright paper line, I did love the pockets for tags which allows even more pictures to be used. Hopefully one lucky bidder will enjoy this one of a kind album when the auction rolls around.
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