Saturday, January 19, 2013

what's this....

she asked one night pointing to the bone in her's a bone I answered
"do you have one" she wondered "yes" I said and pulled up my pant leg so she could see it
"well what is this?" she asked pointing to my tattoo  "a star" I answered
"can I have one too?" she asked   "sure" I said and pulled out the ink pen
so not the momma I was 20 years ago....then I would have frowned on tattoo's
but that little dare when I turned 44 which resulted in that star tattoo on my ankle
(the dare was with myself it seemed time to do something so out of the box for this girl)
I imagine now saying no would have rung a bit hypocritical would it not, especially when I now sport one.   Of course we won't be making an appointment at the local tattoo parlor for that 3 year old or the 7 year old for that matter.  That kind of permancy can wait until they are much older.
Rosie walked by as we finished up Reyna's star and said "cool can i have one too!"  "well hop up here"
I said "let's give you one too" 
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