Sunday, April 21, 2013


yesterday he turned can I be old enough to have a child that is 26??
He outgrew me early, towering over me by his early teens...often when I was upset with him I would stand on the step just to be able to look him in his eyes. (not that he was in trouble a lot, he was and continues to be laid back, and easy going)
When he was born I became a mom to a son...and he made this parenting thing quite easy.
He has weathered drama and sisters (there are a lot of sisters) with an easy going attitude
teasing them as only a brother can, and yet without a doubt he is there if anyone of them needs him
He is amazing like that. 

being his mom is one of my greatest gifts!
Happy Birthday proud of the young man you are today,
so honored to have been the one to watch you grow up.
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