Wednesday, July 06, 2016

Water balloon fight


TV viewing is limited in our home for countless reasons and despite that limited screen time these kids still know all the latest gadgets being marketed in commercials .  Some can even recite the promo codes and phone numbers ending with the always included "yours for only 19.99" (honestly could they just remember their spelling words this well?) And those offers that come with a buy one get one free offer well my kids believe they have discovered the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.  We have never ordered from one of those flashy commercials even tho they have put forth great effort to convince me to do so.  Yesterday we found a version of their current favorite commercial at Toys R Us ...the Bunch of Balloons where in a mere minute you can have 100 filled water balloons.  They recited the commercial complete with song and music and were shocked to discover that this one was 1/2 the price of the one being sold in the commercial (life lessons children, life lessons.) A package made it into the cart I think we were all curious if they actually worked like the commercial showed.  This afternoon they gave it a whirl, and are happily having a water balloon fight with those hundred filled water balloons that actually took less than 60 seconds to fill.

Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone

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