Thursday, August 04, 2016

Paint night fundraiser


Tonight was a fundraiser for our local special olympics team.  I do not like to paint. I've been known to just not look at walls in order to ignore the obvious need of new paint they require. and when I finally decided  (after years of ignoring) to paint I whine and complain the whole time.  Painting is tedious and putzy and if you mess up you will have to look at it until the next decade when you once again paint.  So why you may wonder would I attend a paint night.  Sigh, because obviously I don't know how to say no. Especially when it's for a great cause.  Of the few of these I have participated in Marcy makes it painless.  she has unending patience and the right mix of humor. It is sorta fun when all is said and done. 

Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone

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