Wednesday, September 13, 2017


Heritage village in Mt. Lake held their annual Utschtallung celebration today.  The last time we were there was 8 years ago.... beautiful temps and sunny skies made it a perfect day to explore buildings and try many new foods with names we couldn't pronounce. We sampled fresh churned butter and home made ice cream. We met countless people who patiently answered our questions and shared stories in each building we explored.   Tucked away in one building we discovered a photo of one near and dear to us. When I pointed it out to the youngest her reply was "Wait how did a picture of Grandpa get here!" I explained it was his senior picture in high school. "He used to live here?" She asked puzzled and I was reminded that she is still so new to our family's  story and there  is still so much history she has yet to learn. "He still looks the same" she said.  As we prepared to leave one circled back to chat with the lady giving out crackers and butter and two more headed to the building with Porzeilke and Roll Cuka for one more order to go.  "These are the best!" They decided "Even if we can't pronounce their name."

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