Monday, November 06, 2017

Pumpkin carving

Pumpkin carving time.... a serious event in our house.   Each brings to the table their unique view of how best to achieve a Jack o'lantern where once was a pumpkin. 
One has to look at photos to find the perfect face to carve, lucky for her that older brother is willing to help her capture that look.  Another jumps right in, the slimier and gunky the insides makes the experience that  much better, he pretty much cleans out every pumpkin carved since most are not as thrilled with that part of the process. That quiet one simply sits down, picks up the carving tool and gets to work. Focused, and unaware of the crazy energy around her. One sits at the table and watches, reminding any who ask her for help that she doesn't do insides or carving that she is simply here for the pumpkin seeds. The oldest who would most likely  prefer to be anywhere but here, quietly listens to the youngest description and then begins to carve they will talk quietly one giving advice the other making it a reality and when it's completed there will be jumps of joy and squeals of excitement (by the youngest of course) and a hug that lasts for minutes and the whispered words "you're the best" to her big brother. Because he is and we are all so lucky to know this.
I watch this process every year, falling more in line with the one who is only here for the pumpkin seeds.  As we begin there is always the prayer that no ER visit will be part of this activity,  independent children and carving tools is a disaster just waiting to happen, I snap some photos and I try to not notice the mess as pumpkin slime sticks to walls and floor and people.  When the carving is completed there is the flurry of shutting off lights and lighting candles because really the best part is seeing that glowing face in total darkness.  The oooooo's and aaahhhhhh's are so worth the wait.

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