Friday, December 15, 2017

Elf antics

When this elf came to visit for the first time 9 years ago I didn't give much thought to the length of time this elf would hold their interest, maybe a few years and these small ones would lose interest.   And yet here we are embarqing on yet another season of Johnny the elf. 
I have had moments where I have wished I had simply passed by that book, I have lost count of the number of times I've pulled myself  from a warm bed to move that elf, and the tales I have told when I forgot to move the elf. At times it feels like a burden and I'm ready to just ditch this tradition.
But then I watch as they search each morning, and I hear the giggles and the whispers.  I see the excitement on daycare kids faces when they find Johnny too and I listen to my little ones tell stories of the antics Johnny has done in the past "remember when..... they start" and I laugh because they haven't even been here on earth for a decade and they have remember when stories.  I sense my smallest is on the brink,  of believing but questioning....for this season she leans towards believing not quite ready to let go of the magic. I find myself hoping she never lets go of the magic.
And so I will continue to search Pinterest for ideas, I will continue to forget to move  the elf and I will gather close the laughter and remember when's this elf has delivered season after season.

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