Friday, November 10, 2006

It's snowing....


ok if I didn't have to travel in the white stuff that would be smiley face. It is the pretty snow, white and fluffy,perfect for snowmen and snowballs, this snow I like....unless I have to travel in it. Bother one can't have it perfect can you?

Trying to pack for 5 little people, assuming Josh and Cassandra can handle their own packing. (Beckie isn't able to join us on this weekend get away) and yes you did read the numbers correctly we do have "5" little people (under the age of 5) the end of this week has been an enormous adjustment for all. Of course I didn't take the day of entirely, just done early, so trying to juggle work, with packing and all sorts of other life issues, has me wondering why? do we ever want to leave home? Wondering if I am remembering everything...knowing I won't. Hoping the weather cooperates so driving won't be too much of a challenge, (we have to take two cars, those numbers above won't work in one vehicle) which is why I am worried about driving, usually Kevin drives and I never worry at all about the weather....oh bother.

lot's planned, so much to do, thinking I'm meeting myself as I move thru the house, trying to get everything in order.

have a great weekend....I plan to.

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