Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Anthony's room

Well actually this used to be Josh's room. But since Anthony now occupies the room I decided to do something fun! more in line to a little guy's idea of fun. Since Anthony is crazy about race cars that seemed like the perfect theme. Choosing colors this go round was actually fun. Simple, in and out in 20 minutes. Linette suggested the race car material for the curtains, Betty sewed them. Linette and Kevin refinished the dresser, it was challenging enough for me to buy the knobs (that required a trip to the hardware store, shudder!) Kevin fixed the dresser, thank you! thank you thank you!
Linette called one day and said Kevin fixed a couple of the drawers to your dresser, hope that was ok. OK? hello I was so excited, then she says "Kevin mentioned that there was duct tape holding them together" I just smiled. Her next comment made me grin " I just told him this is my sister, remember she doesn't do home repair." The race track on the wall is painted with magnetic paint, yes those are little magnetic cars that can be "raced" along the track. Yes I did think of that all on my own! some days I even amaze myself :)
Love how the room came together, love the colors, loved seeing Anthony's big smile the first time he saw the completed room.

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Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Dad's dance

Each year during the Extravaganza there is one dance that
is a hit. This dance is the one some people pay to see.
Which dance you may wonder? The Dad's Dance of course.
There is just something about seeing guys doing high kicks
and dance moves that brings down the house. Of course it is
rather sweet to see dad's dancing with their daughters, but
don't fool yourself the audience isn't there to see sentimental,
they want kicks, high kicks, cancan's, sunshine kicks, flutter kicks
simply put kicks numerous kicks. In previous years the number
of kicks has varied, one year none at all. Big disappointment.
In the past I'm sure there has been bribes by certain mom's
to ensure that kicks would be a part of the routine. Bribe is such a
strong word tho, I prefer to think of it as suggesting :)
This year a group of girls were practicing at our house, when
they began discussing the Dad's dance, "you know" I said, "people
want to see kicks you should try to put a lot of those in the routine."
One girl said "but they suck at kicks, most can't do it" my reply?
"that's why people like it, the more awful they look the happier the
audience will be" This year's dance I am happy to say had a lot
of kicks. Just a note no money changed hands. One year when
Beckie was on the team the girls thought perhaps there should be a
mom's dance, that year money did exchange hands, and not just in my
household. There was no mom's dance performed due to lack of interest.

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Monday, January 29, 2007

Happy Birthday Betty....

Friday was my mother in law's birthday, 79 years young.
Trust me there are days she could drive circles around me
young is a good word to describe her. The daycare kids
surprised her with cupcakes, and naturally singing Happy
Birthday, which made her day.
Beckie came home Friday night and when she realized it was
grandma's birthday, (yes my children forget dates like this,
in this they are so much like their father) she said I should take
her out while I'm home. "why don't you take her out after the
Extravaganza?" I said. I'm sure she would love to go to Happy
Chef with you or something. "Maybe I'll see if she wants to go
to the bar" was my daughter's reply. Which caused me to
just stare at her and blink.....of course I'm thinking good grief I
have never seen this women in the 25 years I've known her
inside a bar, ever! I said, sure why not, it would be fun for
her. Wondering what she would say, or if she *gasp* would agree to go.
She did agree to go. So Saturday night my daughter, my mother in law,
my father, my sister and her husband all went to the VFW. I found
myself wondering at the picture this was, when I am home
rocking a particularly overtired 1 year old to sleep that the older
people and the young adult in my life have more of a social
life than I do.

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Sunday, January 28, 2007

Danceline Extravaganza 2007

What a busy night.
What an amazing show.
So much work, practice and energy put into
making this event happen.
Always I am amazed at the talent, dedication, and
excitement these girls bring to their performances.
This year's theme was Grease Lightning, filled with
music from the 50's especially from the movie Grease.
Once again I joined Linette and Shirley in watching over
the little Saintette's..loud,chaos, energized little girls.
love listening to their chatter, seeing their excitement when
it is their turn to perform...smiles all around.
This is my last year with a daughter on the bittersweet.
Something that has been a part of life for so many years is in a sense
done. Next year I could actually sit in the audience and watch,
how novel. Enjoy the glimpse into last nights activities...It was in
a word amazing!

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Saturday, January 27, 2007

and now there are three...

When Beckie graduated in '04 I orderd this picture of her...loved how it
captured her personality, her spirit. This picture to me is Beckie. It hung on the wall
for the next year. Often I heard comments of "that is so her" I thought so to. The next year in '05 Josh's picture was added. Again chosen because it reflected him. The casual day to day kid I know. They hung on the wall until this past week, when Cassandra's picture was added....making it three. I was fine when I ordered the pic, loved how it too captured that personality that is just so her. I was excited when I seen the framed picture. I cried when I seen it hung on the wall with Beckie and Josh's. She is a senior.
She does graduate this spring. They will all be in college next fall. Sigh, when did that happen, when did they grow up? Why does it seem that time moves so much quicker now?
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Friday, January 26, 2007

a year to remember...

That is a the title of the class I am currently taking at Big Picture Scrapbooking It is a year long class which involves projects, ideas,
and challenges each week. So I am currently on week 4, and haven't even started week
1. I know, what can I say...not sure what happened to that organized, get it done weeks before it's due, always ahead, on time girl. Sad, I miss her.

Yesterday I received my first package, so cool, love all the new things we get to try out, I am optimistic I will actually use it. Perhaps even before the year is over. :) There is a lot offered with this class, just the information that I receive weekly is so amazing, learning so much reading thru it...yes i am managing to do some of the assignments, just not doing so well on the hands on stuff...perhaps I just have too much help? The idea gallery is inspiring...and I'm really enjoying the message board. The instructor for this class is Heidi Swapp...she is a genius. love her ideas, her thoughts...she makes this whole ride, exciting and fun. love that!

So glad I decided to sign up for this year long class, to make a commitment to improve my skills and myself. Love that it is making me think, challenging me to try new/different things. perhaps somewhere along the way I will find that organized girl again.
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Thursday, January 25, 2007

I love my UPS driver..

why? because yesterday he delivered this...
and this show is so cool! Love Grey's Anatomy, love it! so completely
hooked, and it goes without saying that I have been
waiting so impatiently for this package to arrive...thus
the reason I think my UPS driver is so great! Now you
may be wondering how I missed this, it has been on
for three years now (well 5 kids under 5 might have
contributed to my lack of night time tv viewing) but I
am catching up...last night I finished watching season 1.
sigh, I think I may have just developed another bad habit.
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Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Winter grilling in Minnesota

I think the picture says it all...
-coveralls (check)
-grill with flames to the roof (check) ok you can't see those since they had dissipated by the time I
got my camera.
-snow (check, check, and check!)
-wine (right out of the bottle, check)
too much info?
welcome to my neighborhood.
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Tuesday, January 23, 2007

eating snow

So normally we encourage children to not! eat the snow, but the other day I didn't have the heart was still snowing and Yahaira was trying to catch snowflakes on her cute! She would giggle every time she caught some. "It's cold mommy" was her response. She did have to check out the snow on her gloves a time or two, and there may have been some sampled from the ground, not in my view tho....I did discourage that. I guess there are worse things she could eat than newly fallen snow, like say dirt perhaps? and honestly can you say you never ate snow? Yes I did take a taste...sometimes it's just fun to revisit the world thru the eyes of a child... The next time it snows, I dare you to catch some snow on your tongue, bet you smile!

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Monday, January 22, 2007


I guess that the fact that we have enough snow to create snow hills is a good thing. Of course I am finding it difficult to generate the enthusiasm my little people have. Yesterday they headed over to Jay's, he has a perfect hill to go sledding on...and sled they did! I'm not sure what was more fun, watching them try to figure out how to get up the hill, seriously they haven't had the opportunity to play on snow hills, just in the yard, where the slide had to be their "hill" so not the same. Or hearing them giggle as they slid or rolled down the didn't take them long to figure out the thrill of sailing down the side of a huge mountain of snow, to bump along the ground and then quickly scramble thru the snow and back up to the top just to do it again... So fun to watch Yahaira move thru the snow with amazing speed, the stuff on the ground came up to her waist and yet she kept up with the boys. Ok so perhaps this part of winter is fun, as long as I don't have to be out in it for too long, I know I am such a winter wimp.

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Sunday, January 21, 2007

Scenes from winter....

Woke up to snow again this morning, this is becoming way to frequent...a habit we really don't need to develop. Of course the little people in my world are loving it...spent much of the afternoon out playing in the white stuff. Love their excitement, love their laughter, love their wonder! No I still don't love the white stuff!

So ready for spring, so very very ready for warmer temperatures and green grass. Ok enough said I will stop whining until the next snowfall, which seems to be happening on a weekly basis, oh bother!

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Saturday, January 20, 2007

Small towns...

I live in a small town, a bump in the road, the middle of nowhere. I know satellites can see us from space, (I have checked out my house on Google earth) but not sure why anyone would want to, unless you live here :) Growing up in a small town seemed like a curse, trying to do anything "fun" was certain to be witnessed by someone related to you, or at the very least someone who knew your parents. I couldn't wait to leave when I finished high school, and yet soon returned, discovering it is a great place to raise kids. Over the years I have adjusted to the scrutiny, where everyone knows what you are doing often before you do, where talking is just a way to pass the time, even if you would rather not be the topic of discussion. For all the small town cliches it is simply a great place to live. I reminded of the good in small towns often, I see it at the benefits held to help out a local family in need, or a people helping out when a tornado struck farms near town, or a town turning out to welcome home it's division of the national guard deployed over seas for a year, no one could have been more surprised than the soldiers on those buses who as they reached the city limits were welcomed by people lining the streets the entire way to the armory, so cool to see, and be a part of, so amazing to be able to say thank you for all you sacrificed. Last June I once again seen how a small town can pull together, this time to say good bye to a fallen soldier, whose aunts and uncles lived here, the entire route his funeral procession would take was covered with yellow ribbons, the streets were once again lined with people, who silently watched as the cars drove by, on their way to the cemetery where he would be buried in a town south of us...I'm not sure who was more surprised the people on the streets, who watched an endless stream of cars, buses and motorcycles, filled with family, friends and veterans, or the people in that procession who passed all those people lining the street, there for no other reason than to say we support you and thank you..small town pride is an amazing thing.

Today I have witnessed a couple of examples of small town pride...picking Yahaira up from dance practice I drove by the catholic church, quite quickly realized I should have taken a different route but glad that I didn't, I was surrounded by cars, filling every parking space, for blocks as I rounded the corner, I noticed a line of flags along the walkway to the church as I got closer I realized they were being held by men, guessing veterans, many from Vietnam..why? Inside the funeral for a local business man was being held, a man who was a local voice for veterans, a man who to his family was simply dad or grandpa, and yet in this small town his life touched many , and so this group of people were simply paying their respects in this way. Made me cry seeing this and yet proud at the same time. Talking to my sister later and she tells me about the caringbridge site set up for another local person, Heather is a secretary at the high school, earlier this month she was diagnosed with cancer. The site has had over 1300 hits since it was created on Thursday... so cool to read the comments, so cool to know that meals are being delivered to the family and that people are stepping up to help out in any way they can..if prayers and support alone could cure her, she would be well on her way to recovery... is this unique behaviour, I don't think so, if you were to ask someone from a small town they would quite likely seem puzzled and reply it's just what we do. I guess there is a balance there, for all the busybodies who know everything about you, there are many more who reach out to help when you stumble along the way...and that is just so cool! here is the caringbridge site for Heather if you would like to follow along on her progress

Friday, January 19, 2007

We have tickets to this....

*edited, no picutre i'm afraid, no longer can I find the image in my files :(
So exciting, so very very exciting. I just finished on the phone with Ticketmaster and we now have 8 seats to this event. There will be 9 of us attending, Rosie is free, bonus! Ok with the cost of all the extra "fees" (54$ in extra fees, ouch!) thinking perhaps a few more kids should have been free. We have seats 5 rows from the ice...I can't wait to see Yahaira, Rosie, and Grace's faces when the show begins. In the spring of 1991 we attended a Disney on Ice show at the Target Center, Cassandra was 3. We had thru mis-communication seats very close to the ice. (My cousin had offered to pick the tickets up for me at a Ticketmaster outlet near where she worked...going by the prices listed in the paper I had said get the most expensive seats, with the kids so young it will good to be close to the front, the highest price listed had been maybe $20. She purchased box seats, bumping the price up to almost $50 a ticket, oh boy! Once I started breathing again, that was a big chunk of change no matter how you viewed it, but what was done was I figured we better have awesome seats...and we did, 2nd row from the ice...we were actually on the ice, my toes froze during the amazing, so magical, just unbelievable. Performers stopped right in front of us, close enough that you could have touched them, the kids were in a word, captivated...loved it! And to this day I thank Paulette for misunderstanding my turned out to be a wonderful blunder, well worth every penny spent. So when I went to purchase tickets to this event, I didn't even hesitate, but chose the better seats, with this many little ones, it was important. Now I can't wait to see their reaction, Yahaira is simply a mermaid fanatic...everything is "mermaid" Gracie of course is at the perfect age for fairy tales and Disney...not so sure what the boys will think but it is Disney so I think it is safe to say they will be entertained. Cassandra will once again be attending a Disney Ice show...15 years after her first experience...thinking she will have as much fun as the little ones. Can't wait for March 10th to arrive...can't wait to see the show, and I definitely can't wait to see the reaction of the kids.
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Thursday, January 18, 2007

My IPod

Has been taken over by one of the youngest members of this
household....she is willing to share. She keeps one ear piece
and gives the other to me...of course she wants to control the
buttons..oh dear! that so doesn't work.

Love my IPod, not sure if I could describe my music tastes as
one seems to be quite eclectic. Lately I have been
listening to the soundtrack to Mama Mia, so cool! a little bit
of R.E.M. and Jem... this IPod has video and I do have some
shows downloaded, but finding the time to view them is perhaps
challenging, wondering why I thought it would be easier to view on the IPod when simply viewing tv is non existent in my life. Holding out hope that I will actually get to watch the last season of Alias sometime in the not too distant future. I have been able to watch a few music video's, love U2. I even have a couple of books downloaded, but have yet to listen to them, sad I know. For now I guess I share...and perhaps someday down the road I will actuallybe able to listen to more than 1/2 a song before someone pushes a button to switch it.

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Wednesday, January 17, 2007

It's just what we do..

Those were the words Beckie said to me the other day. She was telling me about her day, about one class in particular. In her interviewing class, they had to be interviewed by a fellow student in front of the class for 3 minutes. One question asked was why she had learned to speak Spanish.. her answer in part was to help communicate with some of the foster kids we have had in our home. Beckie said after that every question asked had to do with foster care. She then said her interview went well beyond the three minutes, I just couldn't believe how interested she was. I mentioned that to most people foster care is hard to imagine. "I guess" she said but I suppose since I grew up with it, it just seems normal. Then she says the professor asked if anyone else had questions for Beckie. "Mom" she says "I had to answer questions for another 30 minutes... I couldn't believe it!" So what did they ask I wondered...everything she said, how long we had been doing it, didn't we get attached, what was the most we had, then she laughs and said " well right now we have 6" silence mom total silence. (Yeah Beckie I notice that reaction often) and then later someone asked if I had any brothers and sisters, and when I said yes, someone said in a shocked voice there are 9 kids in your family... Totally loved hearing her laughter and her reply of "guess that is kinda weird to most people" (you think? it's kinda weird to me) So she said someone suggested we should take my family on as a service project, maybe we could sign them up to have rooms added on or something. I was very quick to interrupt with a "no! Beckie we don't want anything added on to our house, dear God the county would only fill it with more children" she laughed and said "yeah your right, I did tell them we really didn't need anything like that" someone said what does your family need, (I cringed wondering what her reply would be to that, psychological help? drugs?) she said "we could always use some babysitters" Oh good answer Beckie, very good answer!
That conversation was amazing to me in several ways but perhaps the most important was simply that I realized she had grown up "normal" and accepting of a life I had chosen. Deciding to become a foster parent isn't a decision that just affects you, it affects your entire family, including your extended family. We always approached this that kids brought to us wouldn't be guests but simply members of our family. Over the years I often wondered what that did to my kids, you never knew when a new child would arrive and of course you never knew how long they would stay, and yet I expected our kids to treat them as another sibling, include them and share all parts of their life with them, their home, their parents, their grandparents, their toys. A lot to ask...and often I worried that I might simply be setting them up to hate me for the life I forced on them or at the very least they would need therapy just to straighten themselves out from the life they had lived. Not to mention the attachment and then the loss when a child is quite simply like dealing with a death, and here I was choosing to put not just myself thru it but my kids also. Overriding all that was my need to help, and to in some small way make a difference in a child's life, and so I just prayed that my kids would somehow get it, and understand the bigger picture. Guess they did get it...oh they rebelled, would have worried if they hadn't but, with a maturity beyond their years they seemed to understand. that is the greatest gift. There is much my children have learned, things that as a parent I couldn't have taught aren't going to not feed your child just to teach them what it's like to go hungry, nor are you going to live out of your car to show them what homeless means...these things and more my kids experienced simply by a child coming into our home. I believe it opened their eyes and minds to what is beyond their immediate life. Today two of my kids are going into fields that directly work with children in need, so cool! the youngest well I'm curious to see what she does, she was in a word a rebel, often not pleased with the addition of a new person into our lives...she doesn't do change well. Perhaps she will be a foster parent one day? now that would be poetic. I have been blessed with three amazing children who accepted the life I chose, who accepted my answer of "it's just what we do" to all those questions of why this child or that was currently in our home, who took what they grew up with and became adults who reach out to another, accepting, and willing to help. That is so very very cool,and makes this mom very proud.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Snow Day!

Yesterday we had a snow day, not sure why...
Yes we had snow 8 inches of the white stuff.
we started out at 2 hours late, understandable. Give the road crews time to get out and clear the roads... Once the sun came up and the plow had made their pass it looked rather ordinary out there, cars were going by at a steady stream and aside from the rather large berm at the end of my driveway, it didn't appear to be hazardous to be out traveling, and then they called school... oh joy! I had 4 daycare kids, the two that live the furthest away, made it, most that live in town did not...imagine that! Sunday night we bundled the kids up, that was entertaining in and of
itself, yahaira could barely walk...she was so bundled. Loved listening to their excited squeals and laughter when they first saw the snow. Loved watching Anthony fly around the corner of the garage and race into the yard with the biggest grin, remembering a time not too long ago when he stood by me
in the driveway and didn't have a clue what I meant when I said let's play in the snow, so I called in back up and invited the neighbor boy over to play with him. Amazing what can change in just a couple of years. As the picture shows Anthony is quite the master when it comes to snow play. Yahaira just giggled the whole time, rolling in the snow as much as walking simply because she was so bundled that
any movement took immense effort...getting her in was next to impossible. Alonso seemed uncertain at first but by watching Anthony and Yahaira soon caught on. Gracie came over to play adding to the fun. Cassandra watched the kids outside, teaching them the finer points of snowballs and aim... Rosie watched from inside laughing and pointing at the kids outside. I also watched from the warmth inside, ventured out a time or two just to get some not a snow lover. Loved how quiet and calm it was outside, the kids loved that they were playing outside in the dark... So it's the middle of January and half way thru the school year, I guess it was time
we had a snow day.

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Monday, January 15, 2007

Unexpected gifts...

I think there are times in our life that we expect gifts, our birthdays, Christmas, anniversary's, Valentine's day... of course that expectation is perhaps in large part to the media commercialism that programs us to believe the day wouldn't be complete without this special item or that wondrous gift. In a way we build ourselves up just to be disappointed..I have over time lessened my expectations, changed my focus on what is important. I think there will always be that young girl in my who would love the thrill of a gift, but the adult me realizes I am surrounded by gifts, you just have to know where to look.
Yesterday I received a most unexpected gift, and it simply blew me away, so surprising, so generous, so amazingly kind... tucked in my mailbox at church was a card, noticed it as I shuffled thru the mound of items that had been in my box, yikes, miss two weeks and it would seem everyone wanted to correspond with me :) later when I opened it I was speechless, surprised, shocked, and then confused because I simply couldn't imagine why? they had done this. The gift? a visa gift card, with a note that said have an evening out on us. That's it, nothing else, just signed the noon circle lunch! Thought that their gifts tended to extend towards the charity variety, not sure how we fall into this category... so unexpected, so cool.
As I thought about the gift, analyzed why (yeah I do that analyze everything, it is a maddening flaw) and finally just accepted that it was a gift and I need not know the why for it, just simply needed to say thank you and accept it...made me so happy.

I am surrounded by gifts, they just don't fall into the tangible category.
The look of a friend across a table that says with no words I understand how you feel, it is ok. Is a gift.
The phone call from a friend who talks and talks about nothing, and gives you the perfect distraction from all the heaviness in your life at the moment. Is a gift.
The person for no reason you can fathom simply believes in you and helps you find the strength to believe in yourself. Is a gift.
The hug from a child who has no other motive than they simply want a hug, and launches themselves into your arms, expecting no more from you than to simply hug them back. Is a gift.
The person who loves you, just as you are. Is a gift.
all unexpected gifts, all gifts that are treasured.

Most lives are filled with unexpected gifts, just taking the time to see them is often the biggest challenge. I say of prayer of thanks daily for all those gifts given to me, I have an amazing life.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Can it be?

No that can't possible be correct. Can it? That was the conversation Saturday morning as Linda and I drove by Casey's. Of course Linda also added in "I can't believe it, I put gas in last night" Friday night-gas was $2.10. When I suggested that would be a prime example of Murphy's Law Linda wasn't too amused. I can't recall the last time gas was under $2. So cool, completely made my day. I told linda I am so coming back to take a pic...some people are never going to believe this. A block later linda says in a joking voice, perhaps you should take a pic of that, it is equally shocking. What was she referring to? The thermometer on the's reading 3degrees. and that quite simply didn't make my day.
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Saturday, January 13, 2007

time out

A 1 year old's version of time out....
A two year old's version of time out...
These two yesterday were in fine form...two partners in crime. By 9 am I had chased and removed them from more situations than I care to remember...they were in a word stinkers! In the time it took me to change a diaper (1-2 minutes tops) they had emptied a cupboard, apparently Rosie needed a place to hide.... Rosie managed to get a loaf of bread and proceeded to eat a bite out of every slice, in the time it took for me to get dinner out of the freezer in the basement...Yahaira is quick to join in the "fun" and just as quick to bail when she see's me coming, leaving Rosie to face the drummer alone... and then Yahaira seems so puzzled when she too get's in trouble..looking at me as if to say "what I wasn't standing there" ok does she really believe I am so clueless? After one event, (oh these are events nothing is simple with them) I put them both in time out, only to trip over Rosie as I attempted to clean up the mess they had created...thus the high chair...where she is confined for the moment. Of course she was more upset with me when no food came her way than she was about sitting in the time out. Yahaira, she is just the drama queen, she is quite good, don't you think? Eventually as the day wore on I just wondered if I could just put myself in time out...perhaps that would work better.

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Friday, January 12, 2007

Bubble Gum

Yahaira has discovered bubble gum, she noticed that I had gum one day and said "what's that?" "Bubble gum" I said, and then blew a bubble just for effect. She was so amazed, I have that affect on people. So everytime she would see that I had gum she would say "blow bubbles" of course my gum choices tend to lean towards mint, or cinnamon, none of which are truly good bubble blowing material. So the other day she say's "me try" and I thought you want me to give gum to you a two year old, and then I said, "sure, why not" Glad I did, watching her try to blow bubbles was the best half hour I spent this week. In a word one point she tried so hard she quite simply launched the gum clear across the room. Loved hearing her giggles, loved sharing the moment with her. A note, she now helps herself to gum, far no casualties, no losses of hair, or furniture, or carpet to discarded gum. She is quite responsible for her advanced years of two, when she is done she hands it to me. Completely grosses cassandra out, but hey it's perhaps something only a mom would understand and appreciate.

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Thursday, January 11, 2007

Life is a highway...

For those of you who are Disney enthusiasts you will recognize that title as a song from the animated movie Cars. Loved this movie, loved seeing it several times in the theater, not sure who was more excited when it was released to DVD, Anthony or I. After our first time seeing it in the theater I bought the soundtrack, which was then put into the cd player in the van...and you guessed it was the most requested cd ever. One song in particular was a complete favorite, honestly think it taught Yahaira new words she was so determined to sing along. Loved how they reacted when the opening music started, they completely started jamming out. The song they loved? Life is a Highway, performed by Rascal Flats. When Beckie went to WeFest this past summer she called home when Rascal Flats was performing, kids were so in awe. As time seems to do that cd was replaced by other music, this months current favorite, or that months. The movie , well now that is still the most requested movie, they simply love this movie. Shhhhh don't tell the little people in my house, Cars isn't on vacation it is hidden in my dresser, enough is enough. So the other day I am driving with the kids, all 5 little people, and the cd changer switches to the next cd, quite unnoticed by the occupants of the van, until song number 3 starts, as soon as I heard the opening notes I glanced in the rear view mirror, the picture was priceless, In the back seat Anthony, Alonso, and Yahaira all had their arms in the arm and were dancing to the music, as best as one can dance while sitting on their bottem strapped into a car seat and in the middle was Rosie arms in the air, whole body wiggling...there is a part near the beginning when they say wooooooooo! love how I had a chorus of woooooooooo's happening at that listening to those little voices sing with all their might... with this crew, Life can defiantely be called a highway.
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Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Happy Birthday Linette!

Today is my sisters birthday, 39 years ago today she made me a big sister, something I truly didn't appreciate at the time. Being the great big sister that I was, rolling my eyes here, I would remind her with much frequency that I was the older, therefore better sibling. I won't even go into the fact that I had been the only child for 4 years and and giving up that status was not going to happen too easily. One time I told her she was adopted...years later she said "I was crushed, completely." I was shocked because to look us it is quite obvious we are related. To the adult big sister I am today I look back and wonder at what a shit I was to her, wonder why my parents allowed it, wonder why she didn't just kill me when I was sleeping.
Today I am just amazed by her. I admire her view towards life. Envy the strength she has. She is mom to two of my favorite little people in the world. Today i cherish being a big sister, it's nice to know someone else journeyed thru those growing up years with you, knows your stories, knows your life.
So happy birthday linette, may today and always bring you that what your heart requires. May you have laughter today and every day, and may you find calm in moments of your day to day activities.
You are an inspiration to many..... from you I have learned much.
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Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Cassandra's Mom

Danceline received their new sweatshirts this week. Cassandra ordered one for me which she gave to me last night, I had to laugh as I read "Cassandra's Mom" on the front." "Did you think I would forget?" I asked "No Mom, that's so everyone else will know who you are" good to know. Tonight at their performance there were several "Moms" wearing sweatshirts, several with their daughter's name and mom on them. One mom said "Gosh you would think she is worried I will forget who I am" So loved that.
I enjoy watching the dance team perform. From behind the scenes I see how much time and energy they put into each performace...often unnoticed by the spectators in the stand. Rosie and Yahaira have watched so many practices in our living room that they were able to dance along. So fun to see them recognize the girls, to watch their excitement.

Had to get a pic of Linda and I, or should I say "Katie's mom and Cassandra's mom"

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