Monday, January 08, 2007

90% off

I love a sale, if I can buy something on clearance
even better yet. If I see a clearance section I will
just out of curiousity look thru it, you just never
know what treasure you will find.Ok so 90% of
the time there may be plenty to choose from but
rarely is it the size I am looking for, or the color is
just wrong, or it is simply stuff I truly don't need.
Ok this might be where a brave person would say
I'm picky? Perhaps I am. So last friday I am at Target,
and I come across a clearance aisle, the signs say 90% off.
Never have I seen 90% off, that of course required a look
see. Quite curious now to see what on earth remains from
the holidays that they are in a sense giving away. Surprisingly
a lot of stuff remains, not so surprisingly nothing that
interests me..that is just so my story. As I am poking amongst
boxes of candy canes, yuck! and piles of generic stockings,
blah! bags and bags of bows, ok still trying to use up all the
bows I have, you guessed it, purchased on clearance a few years
back. I glance up and there hanging on a hook is a sweater, simplyadorable.
In a size that will fit Rosie, did I mention adorable? Fairly certain
it is just in the wrong place, since never do I find adorable in
the clearance aisle... Calculate the price in my head, and think
no way! it truly is to good to be true...check the price on a scanner and
discover it is clearance...way cool. Of course I bought it,
how could I not spend $1.49 for something that adorable? Of
course Rosie has a differenct idea of what is and is not adorable,
this falls into the is the pics will show, she was not thrilled
in the least by my incredible shopping skills. Apparently she doesn't
do adorable.
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