Yesterday we celebrated my Dad's birthday and my brother-in-law Kevin's birthdays.
The rain held off until we were done grilling. A note about the cake, this wasn't a
preplanned event, I rather pulled it together the day before. That meant I didn't
order a cake, so I purchased this one at the local grocery store, and prayed it would
be ok. I'm used to the super decorated, fancy, awesome cakes I order from Walmart
bakery (which by the way is one of a few things I actually like about Walmart, thinking
it's because the bakery is in the front of the store and I don't have to immerse myself in
the Walmart environment to deeply) So this one well it's appearance didn't look too
promising...and once I popped some letters on to spell Dad and Kevin (it already had
a Happy Birthday thingy on it) well it looked dreadful. Linette was quite tactful in her comment
of the decorating job, I probably wouldn't have been. So where am I rambling to? the cake was
awesome, several people raved about the taste, seriously I've never heard so many comments
about the cake what did I learn? (most likely far too many things to list on this post)
So I guess it doesn't need to be super fancy to simply taste good...make of that what you will.
Ok so instead of posting to my blog, and reading emails, and just simply surfing the web I should be
checking off the million things on my to do list. Instead I am avoiding it, sigh, which will lead to a frantic
rush at midnight to pull it all together. I leave in 17 hours. Tomorrow at this time I will be in New York City!
Can't wait, so excited, so very very excited.
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