Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Railroad Days Parade...

Rosie figured out the whole candy thing, it was hilarious watching her run to pick up her one piece of candy. By the time she picked up one all the other candy had been picked by the other kids...being speedy isn't quite her skill just yet. She would pick up the candy and hold it up to me and just grin. So excited, so very very excited. We sat next to a 92 year old women and her daughter, who was quite concerned that I was there alone with 7 kids, she assured me not to worry they would be happy to help me out, I had a brief moment where I simply hoped I wouldn't have to help her out :) It was a beautiful night, and a great parade. The kids had a lot of fun and naturally were super excited by the time it was over, it may have been the candy? ummmmm something to ponder.
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