Wednesday, December 05, 2007

I spy ...

What you may wonder is it "I Spy?" Is it the three stockings hanging on the window sill? (since we are lacking a fireplace, and thus a mantle, stockings in our house are hung from the window with care. Of course it takes every window in my living/dining room to accommodate all those stockings) No, that isn't what I wanted you to see. How about that adorable little snowman with equally adorable little light he holds which at night adds the most wonderful little glow to the room. No that wouldn't be it either, although thanks Linette and Gracie for adding that charming little fellow to my collection. It's there in that little white box, tucked behind the letter O, what is it? Why it's my very first Christmas card of the season. I had begun to wonder if I was ever going to receive some holiday mail. Rather impatient I am. It arrived yesterday...and it made me smile.

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