Monday, December 03, 2007

ice cream

the only pictures I have from our weekend in Moorhead, sigh.
Either the camera wouldn't work, or I simply forgot to use it.
I attended the Condcordia Christmas Concert with Beckie, Cassandra, and Anthony Saturday night. Despite traveling conditions being awful there was a packed house. What an amazing concert! Finished my Christmas shopping, that just makes me grin, and bought a pair of boots, sigh that is just depressing. I have lived this long without this item of clothing (I think the last time I owned boots had to be in elementary school, it is perhaps my minds way of denying that I live in the Arctic for too many months of the year) After tromping thru snow up to my knees (well really ankles but it certainly felt deeper) in clogs I decided Saturday night enough was enough and sucked it up and bought a pair. My toes were so happy, not to mention dry. What a concept a shoe that keeps your feet dry and warm, who knew?

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