Monday, September 15, 2008


Sunday I spent the day at the Mall of America attending a scrapbooking event. Joining me were Shirley and Ronda. We arrived picked up our badges, well Shirley planned ahead and had hers and then promptly found a place in line and waited. We did a lot of waiting in lines... a lot. Actually the waiting wasn't so bad since the company I was with made the time fly. The first booth was Doodlebug, I love Doodlebug products the card pictured above is what we created. After several hours of make and takes we headed to Archivers to shop. Way too much to pick from, way too much made it into my shopping basket.

It has been such a long time since I have attended a scrapbooking event, so glad I made the time to do it this time. So glad that Ronda and Shirley were able to join me, I have missed the laughter and talking that always occurs whenever we get together.

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