Sunday, December 06, 2009

a moment to celebrate

do you see this?
yes I realize it is an empty counter top...not exciting you say.
well to me that is the stuff happiness is made off.
Why? because for weeks it has been filled with piles of papers and photos and various other scrapbooking tools in my never ending quest to "catch up" I haven't scrapped for months, pretty certain I have whined about that various times during those months. No desire to put scissor to paper, none! When Shirley began a crop night at the library a few months ago I attended thinking this would be the motivator...not quite, loved going, just didn't accomplish much. sigh. Began to think perhaps I had just lost that creative edge, after all the number of scrapbooks I have created over the yeas is staggering and perhaps one just runs out of creative energy.
or one is lazy.
finally one Saturday a few weeks ago I started to clean my little scrapbook corner, pulling out stuff, paper, and more paper, and more paper (you get the picture) dare I admit the stack of card stock was as tall as Rosie. Sigh, apparently my lack of creativeness didn't stop my desire to buy. After some serious purging and much needed cleaning, my space felt ready...and so did I. Once again I was putting pictures to paper, updating first one child's, and then another album so they were current. The last time I had put pages in Anthony's album was spring of 08. yikes! Today all 4 little kids albums are up to date. Once the older three graduated and completed their first year of college I stopped doing pages for their albums. I also completed an album from our summer vacation, Christmas of 2008, and an album from our Disney on Ice adventure last March. Each of the kids also have a school album which is also current... as is the picture frame on the wall, and not to be left out, their totes (created in a frenzy a few years ago, designed to hold their papers and art projects from each year of school) is also up to date, dare I admit that in Anthony's we were a year or two behind, sigh. Hopefully he won't remember that years from now :)

and here is the completed albums, what a beautiful sight that is.
love how the kids pull out their albums and page through them time and time again.
Love hearing the giggles and comments as they remember this moment or that.
Love that for right now I am so completely caught up.
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