Thursday, December 10, 2009

Snow storm....

started Tuesday with snow...
school let out at 1:15 continued to snow and of course the wind picked up.
Wednesday when we peaked outside this is what met our eyes....
lot's and lot's of snow, drifts, upon drifts...not to mention freezing temps.
(yes my girls are in their pj's, and yes I do realize they do not have a stitch of winter gear on...
it was a 10 second photo op. well, except for Rosie who was quite intent on heading right into the snowdrift you see in the picture)
a few moments later she was properly attired and did head out into that winter wonderland....a few minutes later, she was back in side...
shivering and explaining to me how cold it was outside...
man I love winter....(yes that was said with sarcasm)
Thursday morning brought sunshine and below zero temps...and a two hour late start for school.
(yes my kids now believe that school weeks will contain snow days)
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