a few weeks ago I received a newsletter from one of my favorite authors Janet Evanovich.
as I read thru it my eyes landed on her upcoming tour schedule for her latest release Book 17 in the
Stephanie Plum series. When my eyes scanned the list and read Minnesota I think I may have squealed
I sent a text to Shirley and laughed at her response (so very much the response I expected from her)
plans were made to take a road trip to meet this author...in Edina Minnesota two hours away. Soon there were more planning to join us.
Yesterday we (being..Shirley, Linda, Linette, Ronda and myself) left my driveway at 2pm headed to a Barnes and Noble in Edina. I had read earlier in the day that they started handing out wrist bands at 9am, after a call directly to the store my fears were calmed when I was told that no matter then number Ms. Evanovich would be staying and signing books for all who were in line. We arrived a bit after 4 and received our wristband 595-599
as the process was explained to us my mind quickly did the math and I realized that our numbers would put us in line sometime around the midnight hour. Have mercy this had just turned into an adventure.
We opted to head out and explore (shop) eventually heading to the mall next door where we discovered a Cheesecake Factory (the restaurant not an actual factory mind you :)
the food (the menu was a catalog, no i kid you not a catalog)was awesome!
the portions huge.
and the cheesecake...oh my that cheesecake was indescribable
Eventually we made our way back to Barnes and Noble...where I purchased my books
and roamed the aisles completely loving this kid free time in a bookstore
I was surprised by how it didn't feel crowded and by how quickly the time flew
a little after 11 our number group was called
so excited to finally be in line
a lot of laughter as we inched our way closer
more cheesecake (yea! Barnes and Noble for fueling our energy while we waited)
laughter, so much laughter
...the result of
perhaps too much sugar?
or excited energy?
the realization that we were moments away from meeting our favorite author?
or maybe just the wonderful group of ladies I got to hang out with
personally I think it was the company
and in a blink my moment to say hi was there
the first book she signed for Beckie
and as she signed my book I mentioned that my daughter was a big fan and was so very jealous that I was there meeting her and she was not. as she handed my books to me she said "tell Beckie hello from me" how cool was that?
we had asked if we could get a group picture and surprisingly they agreed
the drive home, one I often dread went quickly and we pulled into my driveway almost 12 hours after we had first left
1:30 and I was awake! AWAKE!
i crawled into bed after 2 and woke at 4 to Rosie's request to sleep by me, soon followed at 6 by yahaira's wake up call
sigh...this momma dragged her butt out of bed and started her day
tired...but in a rather energetic way
seriously can not believe that I met Janet Evanovich
what a day!!!
what a remarkable night, what amazing memories
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